I have been exceedingly remiss for not sending you a note detailing my satisfaction with your company and you personally. It’s beginning to be very rare when a company can be counted on to not only provide an ex-ceedingly high quality product, but to follow up with service after the sale.. You and Deco Lifts have exceeded my expectations in every way.
Prior to making die decision to purchase your lift I inquired about a number of lifts produced by different companies. It was finally narrowed down to two companies and the thing that made the difference was the fact that I was told by the contractor that you would make sure I was satisfied after the instillation was com-pleted. He told me that other companies were unwilling to make the effort to resolve problems that made them leery of using any other companies lifts in their construction. They said you would be there to ensure a quality job that would lead to a trouble free installation, so I decided to take their advice.
I can assure you now that it was the best advice I could have received with regards to the entire project. Out of all the things that went wrong your lift was the one thing that performed flawlessly. I wish everything would have worked out as well.
I want to thank you again for the personalized attention you provided me and want you to know that if there is anything I can do to assist you please let me know.
If anyone is in a position as I was, trying to decide what company would build the best lift for their needs, have them give me a call. I believe I can set them straight and help them make the correct decision. You may provide them with our phone number and address if necessary.