Of All the Boat Lift Manufactures in the Industry, One Stands Out – DECO Boat Lifts
There are many fine boat lift manufacturers in the industry, but DECO Boat Lifts distinguishes itself from all the rest. Since 1959, our company has been a leader in designing and fabricating premium boat lifts, and, during this time, we have been on the forefront of many innovations that are now the standard in boat lift systems throughout the world. For example, we were among the first companies to begin building our lifts from aluminum in the 1970’s. This material is lighter than steel and stands up better to the harsh effects of saltwater. Today, we continue that spirit of innovation by creating many outstanding features for our lifts, which represent the highest standard of craftsmanship that the industry has to offer.
One of these innovations is the superior box-beam aluminum construction of our DECO and Concept CRS boat lifts. When compared to I-beam construction, which is used by many of our competitors, the box-beam design provides much more bi-directional support, preventing the lift from twisting under heavy loads. This can significantly increase the lifespan of critical components, so you can easily and quickly get your vessel in or out of the water at need. DECO also uses thru-bolting on upper beams, which results in a connection that is far more secure than the lag bolting used by many other boat lift manufactures.
All of the static features of our boat lifts perfectly complement our top-of-the-line drive systems. Our proprietary gearbox design, which has been perfected over the course of more than 50 years, features a bronze worm reduction gear that is saturated in high-performance lubricant, resulting in fast lift speeds. Its design is also self-locking for safety and reliability that is unmatched by those from other boat lift manufacturers. You’ll find this fantastic gearbox in our DECO Drive, which boasts exceptionally quiet and fast, belt-driven lift technology. We also offer our Concept Direct Drive, which is free from chains, belts, and pulleys, making it virtually maintenance free while still offering fast, reliable, and quiet operation.
Everywhere you look on a boat lift from DECO, you’ll find elegant and innovative technology that has been designed to provide boat owners with a system that requires less maintenance, is more reliable, and lasts longer. If you’d like to learn more about the many ways that we distinguish ourselves from other boat lift manufacturers, contact DECO Boat Lifts today.