Is a Boat Elevator Right for Your Waterfront Property in Englewood, FL?

Boat Elevator Englewood FLA boat lift offers watercraft owners in Englewood, Florida, the ultimate in convenience, as they can simply jump on their vessel and lower it into the water whenever they’d like a few hours on the Gulf. More importantly, boat lifts prevent the hull from being exposed to saltwater while not in use, which reduces maintenance and prevents costly damage. However, not all boat owners have properties that are well suited to standard lift systems. If, for example, you live in a narrow canal, then you may not be able to build the pilings requires to suspend a boat lift. Fortunately, DECO Boat Lifts offers boat elevator systems that are ideally suited to these types of properties, as they can be mounted directly to the seawall.

Multiple Drive Systems Available

DECO Boat Lifts is proud to offer our boat elevators in two distinct configurations to suit virtually any type of watercraft. Our Maxi Lift is a popular option because it is highly cost-effective without sacrificing power or reliability. In fact, it has a heavy duty aluminum flat plate drive system with capacities of up to 16,000 lbs. and is designed to deliver worry-free lift operation year after year.

If you’d like the most advanced boat elevator the industry has to offer, then our Concept CRS Lift is the best choice. It has an incredibly powerful direct drive system that delivers exceptionally reliable lift performance and requires very little maintenance. Perhaps, best of all, it comes standard with our patented Cable Retention System (CRS). With deeply grooved winders, this innovative feature will prevent destructive cable overlapping and spooling to significantly reduce the need for replacement parts.

Learn More

Contact DECO Boat Lifts today for more information about whether one of our boat elevator systems is right for your property in Englewood, FL.